
Introduction & Playing of micro: Maqueen

The link of micro: Maqueen micro:bit Educational Programming Robot Platform:


We also have many micro: Maqueen kits!


Best DIY Robot kit for beginners - Micro:Bit

DFRobot micro Maqueen Motor and Line Sensor

Amazing! DIY Robot kit Maqueen V2.0 - BBC Micro:Bit

Amazing DIY Robot Kit

Maqueen micro:bit Educational Programming Robot Platform

Playing with the BBC Micro:Bit robot

DIY Cheap Education Robot with $20

Plataforma Robot de Programación Educativa 

micro-bit robot multipurpose MAQUEEN programmed with scratch perfect for CHILDREN

Micro: bit robot project - How to make a Snake Robot

Smartphone controlled Robot

Como programar y armar robot Maqueen con control remoto x infrarrojo con arduini mini por DFRobot

The STEM Robot for Kids: Maqueen Runs The Egg

